The Bonaparte Family

Let's find the palaces of  the Bonaparte Family

The Bonaparte Family is originally from Italian Nobility. The question of whether Napoleon Bonaparte was an Italian or a Frenchman is, therefore, relevant. In fact, above all, he and his family were Corsicans. They spoke the Corsican language. Napoleon would keep a heavy Corsican accent all his life. His mother Letizia never even learned French, she only spoke Corsican and Italian.  

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The whole imperial family is complete at the wedding of Jerome Bonaparte and Catherine of Wurttemberg, painted by Jean-Baptiste Regnault (1754-1829)The whole imperial family is complete at the wedding of Jerome Bonaparte and Catherine of Wurttemberg, painted by Jean-Baptiste Regnault (1754-1829)

Corsica is closer to Italy than France and was part of the Republic of Genoa for five centuries. In 1769 Corsica is sold to the French (by Genoa). So, when Napoleon is born a few months later on 15 August 1769, he is born as a French citizen! 

Most of the surviving Bonapartes lived the latter parts of their lives in Italy. As exiles, they choose Italy over any other European country. They must have felt more Italian than French. Of course, this was in the period that they all were persona non grata in France.  Since the abdication and exile of Napoleon staying in France was no option for them anymore.

Napoleon’s mother did feel Corsican all her life, and spend only a few years in France.

Carlo and Laetitia had 12 children together. They did not all survive childhood. The ones that did all played a role in the story of Napoleon’s live. Some were his allies, others where a thorn in his side.

Napoleon and his brothers and sisters were born in the Maison Bonaparte, a house on Rue Saint-Charles in Ajaccio the capital of Corsica. 

When Napoleon's star rose, his mother and siblings rose too in the world. He gave them titles and palaces all around Europe. He could take palaces and titles away  just as easy.

Brothers and sisters who had too much a mind of their own, would not receive a title and palace to begin with. Those who did receive a crown on their head should not become too comfortable in their new position. As soon as they developed plans of their own that were not in line with those of the Emperor, Napoleon would take action. He would simply remove them from their throne and take away their palace. 

Some Bonapartes had to move quite frequently for that reason! Let’s see if we can find some of the palaces of the Bonaparte Family.

Napoleon's next of kin

Napoleon Bonaparte
Elisa Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon
Louis Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon
Pauline Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon
Carolina Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon
Jérôme Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon

Napoleon's first wife and her children

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